Community tea party
It was so lovely to welcome our community guests to school for our annual Christmas tea party.
This is always a real highlight in the lead up to Christmas and the children take such joy in hosting this event. Our guests are beautifully looked after - the moment they arrive, our guests are escorted hand in hand by the children to the hall where tables are overflowing with delicious goodies so generously donated to us by Marks and Spencer. Staff busy themselves making steaming mugs of tea, children float around with plates full of cakes and biscuits. Excited chatter fills the room and the children enjoy talking animatedly to our visitors about their Christmas plans. After an exchange of Christmas cards made by children in Elephant class, the children in Penguin and Koala classes sing songs from their nativity play. All in all, it’s such a lovely event and one that has a wonderful, feel good factor! We would like to thank all our visitors for coming out on a rainy afternoon to spread their Christmas cheer and to the staff and children for making them all so welcome!