Den-Building Play Equipment
A really exciting addition to the field awaited our children and families as they arrived at school today!
We couldn't be any more thrilled with this lovely den-building installation designed especially for our school by Copper Beech, a company based in The Cotswolds. Over the coming few days, each class will have the chance to play and explore before we sit down as a school and come up with our own agreement about the way the equipment will be used.
A HUGE thank you and well done to our wonderfully dedicated FOFS team for all the fundraising and determination to hit the target which was achieved just before Christmas!
We gathered some of the children's reactions to the new equipment during our assembly time this morning:
I think it looks really exciting, especially for people who like building dens- (with a a quick show of hands, that turned out to be everyone!) Jorja Y5
It will be a great way to discover new things about each other... to be collaborative! Katherine Y6
It looks like a good place to use your imagination. Eden Y4