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Inset Day Training

A great day was had by our brilliant teaching team in school during the inset. You may remember from the September newsletter that one of our key school development  priorities is exploring contextual ways of teaching technical elements of writing within our Learning Experience approach.

We spent the day immersed in the architecture of the English language (grammar!) and increasing our subject knowledge. During the afternoon we looked at techniques for teaching this- particularly, modelling writing to children and giving them an insight into the mind of a writer! Ahead of our next inset in November, we will be trying this out in our classrooms, and seeing your children as our apprentices! We will all be filming some of our modelled writing opportunities to bring back and study together too.

It’s been a super day - really inspiring and interesting! It’s also been lovely to have the team together to share in the next step of our school journey together. We are very lucky to have such a great bunch of committed, passionate and enthusiastic staff who invest a tremendous amount in our learning community.