Challenge Partners
Challenge Partners believe the best way to enhance the life chances of all children is to enable collaboration between schools and trusts to combine our wisdom.
In February 2023, we had a Quality Assurance Review (QAR). The QAR is a professional peer-led review with a laser focus on teaching and learning, curriculum and outcomes, and leadership at all levels. This was an exciting opportunity for our school community and gave us a hugely valuable opportunity to reflect collaboratively with three reviewers from different settings nationally. The lead reviewer is Ofsted trained but the process is very different to an Ofsted inspection: much more collaborative, developmental and reflective. The review took place over three days and involved all members of our school family – the leadership team, teachers, learning support assistants and children. We were delighted with the outcomes of the review and we have a lot to feel proud of in our school! We have also been supported to identify the next steps we need to take to make our school even better. Some of these steps are already well underway, others are a longer term focus and will be used to inform our School Development Plan next academic year.