Staff Team
‘There’s work and there’s your life’s work. The kind of work that has your finger prints all over it. The kind of work that you’d never compromise on. People don’t come here to play it safe. They come here to swim in the deep end. They want their work to add up to something. Something big. Something that couldn’t happen anywhere else.’
S Jobs
Teachers and Learning support assistants
Mrs Naomi Day - Headteacher
I LOVE school, spending time with my family, autumnal walks, beach huts on sunny days, backpacking and posh hotels, star lit skies, roaring log fires, jumping in muddy puddles in my favourite wellies and coffee shops!
I DISLIKE traffic jams, photocopiers, tomatoes and dark mornings! Fishbourne is a special place because the whole learning community is incredible to be part of – enthusiastic, hard-working, passionate and absolutely determined to be the best we can be!
I’m inspired by people who put others before themselves and work tirelessly to make life better for those around them.
Mrs Emily Harris - Assistant Headteacher
I LOVE being a mummy, camping, baking, crocheting, dancing, bubble baths, butterflies, hand written letters, baking, cuddles with my boys, nice pens, Christmas and coffee!
Dislikes: Tea, mushrooms, clowns and people crunching food loudly.
What is special about Fishbourne school? Fishbourne is special place because we live by our value of being 'One Big Family'. I always look forward to coming to school!
Who inspires you? A very close friend of mine inspired me to be a teacher. She was the most amazing teacher! Learning was exciting and fun in her classroom. I always think about her when planning for the children in my class.
Mrs Catherine Williams - Assistant Headteacher
Likes: Kindness, white chocolate, cuddles, a good book, holidays, pampering, banana milkshakes.
Dislikes: Rudeness, sprouts, alarm clocks, cliff hanger endings.
What is special about school? Everybody really cares for each other and smiles are seen every day.
Who inspires you? Rita Pierson, JK Rowling, my parents and my boys
Mrs Debbie Whitaker - LSA
Likes: Bunting, books and sunny days
Dislikes: Being cold!
What is special about school? The children
Who inspires you? Selfless kind people
Mrs Rebecca GOODMAN - Teacher
Likes: Laughing, going out for dinner, Sunday afternoon naps, animals (especially puppies), Christmas and being a little bit crazy!
Dislikes: Rats, mice, bad manners and people making me jump.
I feel that Fishbourne School is a special place to be because all the staff, children and parents are so warm and friendly. It is a safe community where we all look out for one another, but at the same time have lots of fun!
Someone who has inspired me from a young age is my Year 4 Primary School teacher. I always remember that she made our learning irresistible, which inspired me to want to be like her when I grew up
Mrs Tessa Allen - Teacher
Likes: Family, cats, owls, history, reading, the outdoors, sea, sunshine and swimming.
Dislikes: Spiders, heights, unkindness.
What is special about school? Fishbourne School has a wonderful sense of community, we are one big family.
Who inspires you? I am inspired by people who strive to do their best, who are strong yet not afraid to show that they care.
Mrs Lindsey Robinson - Teacher
What is special about school?
Who inspires you?
Mrs Anita Ball - LSA
Likes: Chocolate, cakes, reading and sunshine.
Dislikes: Cold weather.
What is special about school? It’s friendly, caring and happy.
Who inspires you? Family and friends.
Mrs Ali Gregory - LSA
Likes: Cuddles and giggles with my family, Sunday morning walks, fresh bedding, holidays, music, running and being with special friends.
Dislikes: Seeing sad children, having my feet tickled, beetroot and salad cream!!
What is special about school? I love Fishbourne School as it provides our children with a wonderful, safe and caring environment in which to grow. My two boys have both thrived due to the teaching and the caring and supportive nature of the school. I am so happy to be part of this team.
Who inspires you? I am inspired by my children every day and it still amazes me that I actually made my wonderful little men!! I am also inspired by children who face challenges in their lives for a variety of reasons and the way they still smile, love, laugh and are so positive despite these challenges.
Mrs Cristina Dumitriu - LSA
Likes: I like spending time with my family, cuddles and eating great food in posh restaurants.
Dislikes: I very much dislike snakes, rainy days and rude people.
What is special about school? What I love about school is everyone feels welcomed. Also love how the children looking after each other.
Miss Vicky Baldwin - TEacher
Likes: Sunshine, spending time with friends and family, long walks on the beach with my beautiful dog, tea and cake, running.
Dislikes: Olives, cold weather and when the toaster makes me jump!
What is special about school? Everyone goes above and beyond to make Fishbourne school an amazing place to be.
Who inspires you? Children who show resilience and don't give up when things are tricky.
Miss Amy Furlong - Teacher
Likes: Being by the sea, walks with my dog, random acts of kindness and the sound of the rain
Dislikes: Being late, being cold, sugar in my coffee!
What is special about school? The feeling you get when you step inside - everyone is so warm, welcoming and proud to be part of the Fishbourne family
Who inspires you? Those determined to make the world a better place
Mrs Amy Trow - LSA
Likes - I love reading, cold water swimming and eating ice cream!
Dislikes - Any kind of reptile makes me hide away in terror!
Fishbourne school is so special because it’s a home from home. Every child is championed to be the special pocket of stardust that they are. We love that everyone is unique - “there is only one you”
Who inspires me - I am so inspired by all our little fish. They show such resilience and adapt to changes in a way I could only dream of! Blows my mind
Miss Megan Grant - Teacher
Likes: Chocolate, sausage dogs, cats, spending time with my family, flowers and going on day trips to London!
Dislikes: Rudeness, being cold, messiness and early mornings!!
What is special about school? Fishbourne school is like one big family! Everyone looks out for each other and wants the best for our lovely children.
Who inspires you? My mum inspires me. She is always so positive and sees the best in people.
mrs chris rinaldi - Teacher
LIkes: Being with friends, sunshine, pottery and science.
Dislikes: Slugs, snails and snakes.
What is special about school? The great team of people who work here.
Who inspires you? Anne of Green Gables – although she is a book character she is so positive, kind and loving no matter what life throws at her.
mrs stephanie treagust - Teacher
Likes: Singing, dancing, theatre and being a mum.
Dislikes: Cold, wet playground duty!
What is special about school? Watching children achieve when they least expect to.
Who inspires you? My mum!
Mrs cathy Huxtable - LSA
Likes: Spending fun times with my lovely family and watching them find and follow their dreams. Long dog walks on the beach in winter. Soaking up the sun and swimming in the summer! Australia and its beautiful (and not so beautiful!) wildlife. Music - from Radio 1 to Classic FM. Christmas markets and decorating our Christmas tree.
Dislikes: Stinging nettles and insects that bite!
What is special about school? The fact that we are all acknowledged as unique and special people.
Mrs Emma Brown - LSA
Likes: Baking cakes and football.
Dislikes: Jaffa cakes and kiwis.
What is special about school? The buzz of children learning.
Who inspires you? Emmeline Pankhurst who stood up for what she believed in.
Mrs NicolA hack - LSA
Likes: Spending time with my family and friends, visiting new places, baking with my children and drinking hot chocolate snuggled under a blanket.
Dislikes: Tomatoes, being late and people being unkind to others.
What is special about our school? I love that every child is treated as an individual. Everyone is so friendly and caring and each child is taught to believe there really is 'Only One You'.
I love the happy noise that I hear in school every day.
Who inspires you? My own children and also people who strive to do their best regardless of any barriers that they may be facing.
Mrs Emma Woolnough - TEacher
Likes: I love walking my dog, baking cakes, holidays on the beach, eating chocolate and Christmas.
Dislikes: Bad driving and rude people.
What is special about school? The wonderful way every is made to feel welcome and treated as an individual.
Who inspires you? My parents as they have always encouraged me to do the best I can.
Mr Harvey Lawrence - LSA
Likes: Watching and playing football, seeing children succeed and enjoy themselves.
Dislikes: Bad manners, spiders, snakes and surprises!
What is special about our school? How it feels like a big family, where everyone looks after each other.
Who inspires you? My mum for having a strong passion for working with children.
Mrs Liz gifford - TEacher
Likes: Lasagne, chocolate, reading, music, sailing, walking my dog Billy, and quiet nights in
Dislikes: Parsnips, raw carrot, housework and going underwater
What is special about school? The staff are a friendly and supportive team
Who inspires you? My mum – she always tries to be positive about everyone!
Mr Michael SErvant - TEacher
What is special about school?
Who inspires you?
Mrs Jo Angell
Likes: I like spending time with my husband, children, extended family and friends. I also enjoy going to the beach, walks in the woods, swimming and reading books.
Dislikes: I dislike rudeness, anything coconut flavoured, being cold and scary films.
What is special about school? Fishbourne School has a very friendly and nurturing environment which makes everyone feel welcomed. Everyone is valued as individuals and are listened to.
Who inspires you? My children inspire me because they are always full of energy and take pleasure in simple things. They keep me young at heart. I am also inspired by people who always try their best even when something can be tricky to master.
Office Team
Mrs Kate Sheldon - Business Manager
Likes: Swimming in the sea, walking in the woods, travelling locally and overseas, spending time with my family and friends.
Dislikes: Lazy, apathetic people really irritate me.
What is special about school? Fishbourne has a special culture, from the moment you walk in, you can feel it all around you. I am incredibly lucky to be a parent, and a staff member of this wonderful school.
Who inspires you? My parents. They have worked hard, studied hard and continue to be good role models for my brother and I, even though we are both parents now.
Mrs Sarah Martin - Administrator
Likes: Music, gardening, holidays, walking our dog and spending time with family and friends.
Dislikes: Scary films, being tickled and celery!
What is special about school? Seeing children enjoy their learning and being part of a wonderful supportive and caring team.
Who inspires you? My two wonderful sons who amaze me every day, I am so proud to be their mum!
Midday Meals Team
Mrs Christine O'Donnell
Likes: Walking, bike riding and spending time with my family.
Dislikes: Rudeness
What is special about school? Always feels welcoming and friendly.
Who inspires you? My family.
Mrs Celine Smith
Likes: Cooking, reading, travelling and gardening.
Dislikes: Wastage, people being rude and noise traffic.
What is special about school? One big family who care and support each other.
Who inspires you? My mother-in-law who decided to become a trained nurse in her 40's and always kind and caring to others.
Premises team
Mr Andrew Stemp - Premises officer
Likes: Sport
Dislikes: Rude people
What is special about school? Being part of a successful team
Who inspires you? Mr Andrew Cassell, Olympic gold medallist for sailing
Likes: Walking, bike riding and spending time with my family.
Dislikes: Rudeness
What is special about school? Always feels welcoming and friendly.
Who inspires you? My family.