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Page 13

  • 08/09/20

    New adventures!

    We were delighted to receive this photo yesterday marking the momentous occasion a group of our little fish started their first day at Bishop Luffa Secondary School and the exciting next step of their adventure in learning.
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  • 15/07/20


    Last night was the first of two special evenings this week set aside to say goodbye to our amazing Meerkat class.
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  • 10/07/20

    Outdoor Learning Day

    Koalas enjoyed mummifying fruit, Egyptian dance, Egyptian nature sculpture and creating cartouche souvenirs on their recent outdoor learning day. 
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  • 24/06/20

    Outdoor Learning Day

    It has been lovely today to welcome back some children from Panther and Penguin classes to enjoy an Outdoor Learning Day with their class teacher and LSA.
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  • 02/06/20

    Reflection time

    For those children coming into school, we will be continuing to have our daily act of worship (or assembly as it’s known to our children!) which will be held in class bubbles.
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  • 01/06/20


    We are delighted to welcome back lots of children from Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 this week. This is such a strange time for our school family and while it is wonderful to see so many children in school, we are not complete because we are not yet all here together.
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  • 11/05/20

    Celebrating V.E Day

    Everyone at Fishbourne School has been busy learning about V.E. Day and celebrating the 75th anniversary of 8th May 1945.
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  • 06/05/20

    Fishbourne Community Book Exchange

    Today we took delivery of our beautiful new Fishbourne Community Book Exchange. Our huge thanks go to Jamie and Hannah Macdonald who have made this for our community.
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  • 05/05/20

    A Lending Library for Worriers

    We are delighted to let you know that we have a collection  of books that will be available for our families to borrow from Friday 7th May which may support you in talking about worries with your children. .
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  • 20/04/20

    Making the world a better place

    We took delivery on Thursday of a box of brand new postcards which will be winging their way to our Fishbourne families in the coming weeks.
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  • 13/04/20

    Easter Egg Hunt

    We had lots of fun on our Easter egg hunt around the school grounds and then creating beautiful Easter wreaths.
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  • 10/04/20

    Drawing Bad Nana

    It was lovely to see how many children enjoyed drawing Bad Nana by Sophy Henn with 'Draw along with Lenton' last Monday.
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