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  • 22/01/20

    Young Voices 2020

    Our Young Voices experience on Wednesday was INCREDIBLE. We could not possibly have been any more proud of the 71 children who came together to form our Young Voices choir.
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  • 16/01/20

    Dinosaur Visit!

    Wow! What an afternoon Reception and Year 2 had on Tuesday. 
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  • 19/12/19

    Kassie’s Beach Walk

    Yesterday afternoon, the children who read with Kassie, our PAT dog, headed off to East Head to enjoy a beach walk. The weather was kind to us and it was bright and breezy!
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  • 19/12/19

    Elephant Class Christmas Singing

    This afternoon, we had a festive treat! Mrs Kelly, who volunteers to hear readers in our class, bought her harp in and we had a wonderful time, learning about the harp and singing together.
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  • 18/12/19

    Learning Behaviours

    We have spent the term, during collective worship time, exploring each of our learning behaviours and looking at their significance in the bible.
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  • 17/12/19

    Community Tea Party

    It’s the most wonderful time of the year!
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  • 17/12/19


    On Monday afternoon, Hippo Class performed an Organic Nativity to their parents, Grandparents and Siblings.
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  • 13/12/19

    Mrs Christmas returns!

    Our lovely Bursar was very excited that it is the time of year where she can transform back into Mrs Christmas and help the Reception children create beautiful decorations to take home next week. 
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  • 13/12/19

    Christmas Lunch

    We’ve just finished serving Christmas lunch at Fishbourne Primary! A huge thank you to Tracey and Tiffany at Chartwells and our amazing team of staff for pulling together and modelling collaboration at its very best to our children.
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  • 13/12/19

    Reading for pleasure

    Last night our staff team got together to spend time with our wonderful Rebecca Webb from the Uni of Chichester to talk books!
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  • 10/12/19


    The children in Hippo, Penguin and Elephant classes went off to the church this morning where they took part in a Christingle service led by Moira.
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  • 09/12/19


    We have enjoyed an AMAZING hook into our whole school learning experience this morning, provided for us by John-Paul McCrohon and his team.
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