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  • 25/10/19

    Flying Lemurs Party!

    The key stage one and early years children were so excited to receive some very special post!
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  • 15/10/19


    New reception class September 2020 open days 05/11/19: 1.30 – 3pm 13/11/19: 10 – 11.30am CANCELLED 25/10/19
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  • 14/10/19

    Special Delivery!

    Today there has been a delivery of gorgeous animal toys, kindly been donated by Jelly Cat, for each member of Elephant Class to adopt!
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  • 08/10/19

    Animal Theme Party!

    Our reception and key stage 1 classes were certainly keen to make the world a better place and perform their hearts out on Monday!
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  • 04/10/19

    National Poetry Day

    It was a coincidence that National Poetry Day fell during our Perform whole school learning experience but we were delighted to seize the opportunity to mark the occasion!
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  • 04/10/19

    Football referees

    We like to help our children to become collaborative and positive members of our learning community... this extends to playtime’s too.
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  • 03/10/19

    Forest School Experience

    The Children of Elephant and Koala Class have had an amazing half term taking part in our wonderful Forest School outdoor learning experience.
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  • 02/10/19

    Meet Gloria!

    Hippo Class were very excited to receive a box last week. We cautiously opened the box and inside was the cuddliest, softest hippo we had ever seen!
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  • 01/10/19

    Chichester children’s book fest

    Today we’ve enjoyed visits from Roger Stevens and Zehra Hicks who have inspired our children and given them an insight into life as a poet, author and illustrator!
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  • 30/09/19

    Hooking into 'Perform'!

    Our first whole school learning experience of the year, Peform, kicked off today with a visit from Emma McGordon who has been inspiring  our children with her performance poetry!
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  • 26/09/19

    Medieval Banquet

    After our visit to Arundel Castle last week, we continued our historical learning back at school with a special day full of exciting experiences.
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  • 25/09/19

    Year 2 Visit Arundel Castle

    As one of our important steps within our learning journey, Penguin class visited Arundel Castle to find out all they could about Queen Victoria’s stay there.
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