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  • 13/12/23

    Flight of Doves

    It all started with a little idea… a moment of inspiration in Chichester Cathedral where someone saw something that touched them… they welcomed that idea and gave it space to grow…
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  • 01/11/23

    The Lost Words

    We have had the most amazing day at school today! We are midway through our first whole school learning experience of the year – The Lost Words.
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  • 20/10/23

    Autumnal Craft Stay and Play

    Chameleon Class had their Autumnal Craft Stay and Play yesterday. We had a very busy classroom with lots of parents, grandparents and siblings creating beautiful leaf pictures.
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  • 20/10/23

    Rainforest Run

    Hippo class have raised nearly £600 for Operation Ocelot as part of the World Land Trust’s campaign to save the Atlantic Forest in Brazil!
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  • 18/10/23

    Trip to Staunton Country Park

    Today Hippo class are on an exciting trip to Staunton Country Park learning all about the plants and animals of the rainforest, how they are endangered and what we can do to help.
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  • 12/10/23

    New Outdoor Area

    We had a busy morning in the outdoor area. The guys from Coastal Inspired made a corner unit for storage, put up three boards (then painted to become blackboards) a mini climbing/den frame and a blank sign (ready for when we have a name for the area!).
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  • 05/10/23

    Welcoming the wonderful Ed Vere!

    We were so thrilled to welcome Ed Vere to school to come and inspire our youngest writers and illustrators! He spent the afternoon with us, sharing his fabulous new book, The Artist, and making our children roar with laughter!
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  • 14/09/23

    CYE visit Hippo Class

    We were lucky to have an amazing team from CYE visit our Hippo class yesterday.  They encouraged us to work together as a team to conquer the challenges they set us. 
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  • 13/09/23

    CYE Residential

    Elephant Class had the most beautiful stay at CYE filled with laughter, sunshine and lots of fun in the sea.
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  • 19/07/23

    Forest School Day

    Today we have been enjoying our annual Forest School Day with Chichester Forest School. This event is very kindly supported by Gareth’s Legacy (you can read more about this on our school website).
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  • 14/07/23

    Cricket County Finals!

    On Monday, the Year 3 /4 children travelled all the way to Blackstone Cricket Ground in Henfield to take part in the County Finals!
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  • 10/07/23

    Trip to Marwell Zoo

    Cheetah Class had an amazing school trip to Marwell Zoo on Friday as part of their latest learning experience, Fur, Feathers and Scales.
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