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  • 06/12/18

    Christmas Choir

    A small group of children from Panda and Meerkat class visited Manor Field Nursing Home this week to sprinkle some magic this Christmas.
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  • 04/12/18

    Modelled Writing

    You may have read in our recent newsletters that one of our whole-school priorities for developing our 'learning experience approach' at Fishbourne is to give greater opportunity for the children to experience modelled writing.
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  • 03/12/18

    The Houses of Parliament

    From debate in school... To the Houses of Parliament.  We were enormously proud of a Year 6 pupil who was asked to represent children with visual impairment at the Houses of Parliament this week, challenging the current state of funding for Local Authorities for children with visual i...
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  • 30/11/18

    Leadership at Fishbourne Primary

    We are incredibly fortunate at Fishbourne Primary to have a team of middle leaders who support the development of our learning community.
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  • 28/11/18

    Reflecting on Choose Respect

    We were really thrilled with the children's level of engagement in our whole school 'Choose Respect' learning experience. This photo reflects the courageous and positive way in which the children threw themselves into sharing their perspectives while debating their views.
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  • 28/11/18

    Year 3 Cinema Trip

    Panther Class had an amazing, festive trip out to see The Grinch at Cineworld Chichester as their Hook for their leaning experience.
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  • 27/11/18

    Forest School

    With collaboration being one of our learning behaviours, it is wonderful to see our Penguin Class working together at Forest School.
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  • 26/11/18

    Writing in the moment!

    Meerkats had the amazing opportunity to to take part in some ‘writing in the moment’.
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  • 22/11/18

    Year 4 Butser Farm trip

    Tigers had a wonderful but rather chilly day out at Butser Ancient Farm HOOKING the children into their learning about how the Anglo Saxons lived.
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  • 16/11/18

    Debate Day took place today!

    We have been bursting with pride about the children’s engagement, passion and the conviction with which they presented their views.
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  • 16/11/18

    Speak out - stay safe

    During Choose Respect week, we have welcomed a visit from the NSPCC to talk to the children about ways they can stay safe.
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  • 15/11/18

    Jeremiah and the very deep well

    Our Story Tellers came in on Tuesdsay to share the story of Jeremiah and the very deep well. Our children are always delighted to see this team of volunteers who support our exploration of the bible during assembly time.
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