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  • 13/11/18

    Learning to debate

    Today in school, our teaching teams are modelling to the children the process of debating a motion.
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  • 12/11/18

    We Will Remember

    It was super to see so many families in church yesterday, marking Remembrance Sunday.
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  • 09/11/18

    Choose Respect

    On Monday we are really excited to be starting our next whole school learning experience, ‘CHOOSE RESPECT’. This learning experience marks Anti-Bullying week and during the week we will be debating a number of key issues that affect children by tackling some BIG QUESTIONS.
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  • 05/11/18

    Modelled Writing

    We really enjoyed sharing the children’s learning with you during our review meetings this week and it was brilliant to round the week off with some more great professional development for our teaching team.
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  • 31/10/18

    Fizz and sparkle!!

    Koala class have just started a new learning experience, Diwali. They started their learning with an exciting Hook during which Mrs Williams and Miss Raby set off indoor fireworks! They all watched the exciting colours and listened to the fizz and sparkle!
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  • 19/10/18

    Where in the World?

    It’s been a fabulous fortnight of learning at Fishbourne Primary! Our first whole-school geography learning experience has been a huge success and we have been delighted to see the very high levels of engagement.
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  • 08/10/18

    Where in the World?

    We are delighted to let you know that the children have successfully navigated our Fishbourne Airport and have landed safely in their destinations.
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  • 02/10/18

    Whole School Learning Experience

    The countdown is on to the start of our next whole school learning experience, Where in the World? On Monday morning, our children will be arriving at the airport where there will be three departing flights- 
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  • 21/09/18

    Story Tellers

    It was lovely to welcome back our team of Story Tellers today for their first visit of the autumn term. The children were thrilled to see them and always enjoy the time they are with us, particularly because they get involved and help to tell the stories!
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  • 20/09/18

    Inset Day Training

    A great day was had by our brilliant teaching team in school during the inset. You may remember from the September newsletter that one of our key school development  priorities is exploring contextual ways of teaching technical elements of writing within our Learning Experience approach.
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  • 18/09/18

    Welcome Elephant Class

    We are so delighted to welcome our wonderful new Elephant Class and all their families to Fishbourne Primary! We hope you will all be very happy as part of this exciting learning community.
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  • 17/09/18

    Reading Challenge!

    Over the summer holidays we challenged our teaching team to go away and read as much as they could! At our first INSET, we brought in just some of our favourites to share!
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