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  • 20/03/18

    dance Festival 2018

    On Friday and Saturday night our wonderful children from years 5 and 6, who attend weekly dance club, joined forces with Theatre Inc. and performed at FestivALL 2018.
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  • 19/03/18

    'Billions of Bricks'

    Our whole school learning experience is underway and our Zebra Class are already outside investigating what they can do with the bricks from the Builders' Merchants!
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  • 16/03/18

    Billions of Bricks Learning Experience

    We are really excited about the launch of our next whole school learning experience, Billions of Bricks, which is starting on Monday. Today we received an exciting and very generous delivery from Taylor Wimpy which we will be making great use of over the coming fortnight.
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  • 14/03/18

    Fishbourne Companions

    Today marked the start of our work with the Fishbourne Companions. It was just so delightful to see the start of some wonderful relationships blossoming between our children and the older community.
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  • 12/03/18

    Celebrating World Book Day

    Pupils and staff celebrated a postponed World Book Day dressed in amazing and creative character costumes!
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  • 12/03/18

    Fishbourne School Choir

    A group of children from Year 5 and 6 were inviited to sing at Manor Barn Nursing Home.  With the fantastic guidance of Mr Servant they performed a variety of wonderful songs to residents who enjoyed taking part in some actions that accompanied the songs.   
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  • 28/02/18

    Year 6 Girls Netball Tournament

    On Tuesday 28th February the girls netball team travelled to The Regis School in Bognor to play in a very chilly tournament. 
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  • 27/02/18

    Shelter Building Equipment

    We are so thrilled with our new shelter building equipment which we have enjoyed exploring over the last week.
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  • 21/02/18

    Chinese New year

    In Penguin Class, we have been learning about Chinese New Year. On Monday, we came in dressed up in Chinese styled outfits – lots of us wore red because red is seen as good luck in China.
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  • 19/02/18

    Den-Building Play Equipment

    A really exciting addition to the field awaited our children and families as they arrived at school today! 
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  • 07/02/18

    Year 5 Junior Conservancy Day

    Chichester Harbour Conservancy invited Year 5 pupils to take park in a Junior Convervancy Day learning about key environmental issues and debating in the Council Chambers at County Hall, Chichestser.
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  • 05/02/18

    The Jungle Book

    Year 4 had a fabulous time at The Jungle Book at Chichester Festival Theatre as part of their Jungles and Rainforests learning experience.
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