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  • 10/11/21

    Remembrance assembly

    Our Worship team led us in an act of remembrance this morning.  It was so special to spend time together as two key stages, reflecting on the significance of the poppy.
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  • 09/11/21

    Big fish reading!

    Our leadership team have started to explore some of the current issues in education - a well-being curriculum for all, phonics and early reading and what cognitive science tells us about how children remember more.
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  • 05/11/21

    Fantastic Fundraising!

    We have some great news! Six boys in Year 6 have managed to raise the funds to install a brand new community defibrillator at Fishbourne School.  Thank you so much for all your generous donations!
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  • 03/11/21

    Rainforest Run

    Penguins Class took part in a wonderful 'Rainforest Run' to raise money to save a piece of the Guatemalan rainforest.
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  • 14/10/21

    Story Tellers

    It was absolutely wonderful to welcome back our Story Tellers to school this week for the first time in what feels a very long time!
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  • 11/10/21

    Welcome back Sophy!

    On Friday welcomed back our AMAZING patron of reading, Sophy Henn for her first visit after lockdown! It was worth every moment of the wait.
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  • 11/10/21

    Big Tidy Up

    Our huge thanks to the army of volunteers who supported our Big Tidy Up today - parents, staff, governors and lots of wonderful little fish too!
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  • 08/10/21

    Chichester Children's BookFest

    Panthers and Koalas have been reading ‘Sky Pirates’ in class and today the author of Sky Pirates, Alex English, came into school to meet us! It was very exciting! 
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  • 07/10/21

    celebrating Harvest

    We celebrated harvest with a special assembly today led by Reverend Mike Milmine and our Worship Team, who led us in prayer. Thank you to all our families for such wonderful and generous donations for Chichester Foodbank. 
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  • 06/10/21

    Chichester Children's bookfest

    After weeks of excitedly waiting, today was finally the day Elephants and Penguins got to meet Rob Biddulph. What a treat we had!
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  • 14/09/21

    Prospective Parents For Sept 2022 Open days

    Wed 29th Sept 2021 9.30 am  Thurs 14th Oct 2021 1.30pm Mon 8th Nov 2021 9.30 am Please email or call 01243 785974 with contact details if you are planning on attending any of the above dates.
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  • 10/09/21

    Update from Koala class

    “We have had an amazing night. They settled down really quickly and haven't heard a thing all night. Just starting to wake them up now. What wonderful Koalas!”
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