Inspiration from beetles!
Inspired by their work on Beetle Boy by MG Leonard and the accompanying Beetle Collector’s Handbook, our talented Year 6 children have been creating their own beetles and drawing detailed, annotated diagrams.
We have been so delighted with the warm reception the children have given their whole class text, Beetle Boy. Who knew that beetles could create such fascination? Well we certainly know now that they do and the children are fully immersed in this exciting experience in their classroom.
We are thrilled by the generous donations by Humberts and FOFS to enable every child to receive their own copy of their class text which they can keep. THANK YOU to them for seeing the huge value in this approach to reading and supporting us to make this happen at our school. Being able to keep the book makes such a difference and allows for the children to treat the text as their own… it also enables us to be flexible in our approach and to be able to PERSONALISE the book choice to the class rather than getting stuck in a rut of using a particular set of books each year!
Look out for more news of whole class texts being introduced throughout the rest of the school after the Easter holidays!